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If you're an overwhelmed Shopify owner struggling to convert one-time shoppers into repeat customers and are seeking efficiency you need:

Unlock Profits with Expert Email & SMS Marketing for Your E-Commerce Brand

Maximize Your Store's Revenue with Automated, High-Converting Email and SMS Campaigns That Delight Customers and Secure Repeat Business — Without Wasting Another Dime on Inefficient Marketing

Want to Work With Us? Send In Your Application

We give Shopify stores killer email, search, and paid social services so clients sleep easy at night.

If you want more sales, better margins, and reliable growth, apply to work with us. We'll always reply back.


isten. You’re facing three critical challenges that our service directly addresses:

  1. Ad Spend Drain: Every dollar you save on ad spend and reinvest into strategic email and SMS marketing significantly boosts your bottom line. Unlike costly ad campaigns, email and SMS are cost-effective and offer unparalleled ROI.
  2. Missed Opportunities: On average, 98% of your web traffic leaves without converting. To transform these visitors into revenue, you need a robust system to capture their information and nurture them into ready-to-buy prospects.
  3. One-and-Done Buyers: The real growth lever in e-commerce is repeat business. To escape the one-and-done customer trap, you need to cultivate loyalty and encourage repeat purchases through smart, personalized communication.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re all too familiar with the frustration of marketing strategies that promise the world but deliver far less, leaving your growth potential untapped and your ROI in the rearview mirror.

But what if I told you that the roadblock to your success isn’t your product, your passion, or even your price point… but a hidden glitch in your marketing machinery?

The secret to turbocharging your brand’s growth and customer engagement lies in a unique, data-driven approach to email and SMS marketing—a strategy so personalized and precise, that it’s like having a roadmap to your customer’s heart.


You should be.

After all, you’ve been down this road before, only to end up at dead ends and detours.

But with our track record of transforming e-commerce marketing from bland to brilliant…

And a portfolio of brands that have seen their email and SMS channels turn into their highest ROI assets, we invite you to see for yourself how different the journey can be.

This strategy isn’t for everyone.

It’s tailor-made for e-commerce brands already cruising at $50k+ per month but hungry for more.

Brands led by visionaries eager to ditch the conventional route for a path paved with innovation and insights.

Are you ready to shift gears and accelerate into the future of e-commerce marketing?

Keep reading, and let’s explore together how your brand can your email & SMS channels be transformed into a powerhouse of engagement and sales.

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Let me introduce myself:

I’m the person behind the curtain, turning the gears of what could be the most transformative journey your e-commerce brand has ever embarked upon.

My name is Tomas, and I’ve been in the trenches of digital marketing long before “influencer” became a household term.

My journey started from a place of necessity—the need to make every marketing dollar count for my own fledgling online store.

This quest led me to uncover the untapped potential of email and SMS marketing, not as spammy afterthoughts, but as the cornerstone of building lasting customer relationships and driving repeat business.

The turning point came when I realized that the conventional wisdom peddled by mainstream marketing gurus was merely scratching the surface.

I dug deeper, investing over $53k in self-development and experimenting with every strategy under the sun—from high-stakes Facebook ads to the nuanced art of sales emails.

It wasn’t just about making sales; it was about understanding the heartbeat of my customers and speaking directly to it.

One of my most memorable successes was with a brand teetering on the edge of the $50k/month mark.

They were doing well, but they were stuck in a loop of one-time purchases and skyrocketing ad costs.

By leveraging the cumulative experience of my team, we reimagined their email and SMS marketing from the ground up.

Within months, not only did we boost their monthly revenue by 40%, but we also transformed their email list from a neglected asset into their most lucrative channel, accounting for a significant portion of their revenue.

This isn’t just another marketing pitch.

It’s a testament to what’s possible when you align your brand with the right strategies and a team that views your success as their own.

Imagine what your brand could achieve if 40% of your revenue came through channels that you own outright, immune to the whims of algorithm changes and ad platform policies.

If you’re ready to break free from the cycle of diminishing returns and step into a world where your marketing efforts translate directly into growth and profitability, let’s talk.

Your brand deserves more than just a place in the market—it deserves to set the pace for the market.

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We Can Do It All For You

Get everything you need for profitable email and SMS automations and campaigns.

Automated Emails

Custom email automations that align with your unique customer journey to increase profit.

Automated SMS

Wise SMS automations that complement the email strategy. Never done SMS? We’ve created strategies from scratch.

Email Templates

Our team carefully crafts customizable email templates that reflect your brand’s identity, which you can re-use for any email to save time.

Campaign Management

We create regular campaign emails so your store at last consistently sends out emails. We meet with you for ideas, quotes, and insider stories so we slot right into your company.

Savvy Ways Your Email and SMS Marketing Will Become Your Hidden Fortune

The goal of ecommerce messenger marketing is to deliver the right content at the right time to maximize sales.

When you make the smart choice to work with us, these are some of the ways we can grow your store:

Scientifically collect more emails and mobile numbers

Contact capture is the beginning of a good campaign. Rapidly build your email and SMS list with people interested in buying from you. Examples include behavioural triggers, blog integration, popovers (they work every time), offer escalation to capture mobile phone numbers, and more to boost opt-ins. We A/B split-test ways to make these awesome methods more elite.

Subscriber welcome series

You probably do this already, but do it poorly. No one reads a bad welcome letter of, “Thanks for signing up to our newsletter. Stay around to receive updates and news about…”

Every email should work together to build positive associations with your brand, set negative associations with other options, educate subscribers about their problem, and show your brand’s unique benefits. A good welcome series makes someone more likely even when they buy later on.

Abandoned cart series

A dead-simple way to boost sales by 10-20%. Message people who get to the checkout page but do not buy.

Most stores waste profits by giving coupons to everyone or stopping at one or two emails in their sequence. You’ll get more than that to minimize cart abandonment. Each message has a specific purpose sent at an optimal time to improve your store and score sales.

Browse abandonment series

Automatically message people who’ve shown interest in products on your store but have not proceeded to checkout. Someone who looked at one product needs a different message to someone who looked at multiple products.

New customer series

Provide tips they’re interested in, cross-sell products, and check-up emails to automate customer care. You will drop refund rates. Ask customers to upload photos of them with their product or write a product review on your site. Good reviews provide social proof to increase conversions.

Customer win-back series

Increase the lifetime value of a customer with a follow-up campaign. Your customers are the best profit source.


You learn what works best for you as we test parts of your email like subject lines, offers, and timing. We then review your analytics to learn what gets sales. If you previously made $3,000 from an email campaign, an extra 50% of people on your email list gives you $4,500 a month in sales.

Perhaps, you’ve got what you think is a good abandoned cart sequence, you don’t know what else can be done, or you don’t know if something is badly configured.

Your business is unique so it needs a unique plan. That’s why a good next step is to…

Get Your Free Email and SMS Audit

Our free Klaviyo audit is the perfect way to ensure you’re maximizing your email and SMS marketing potential.

The audit covers all the essential aspects of email marketing, from account setup to campaigns, contact capture, and flows. We provide you with actionable and detailed recommendations guaranteed to make an impact on your business.

With our audit, you’ll discover new opportunities to build a loyal customer base, convert leads into paying customers, and ultimately increase revenue.

Amateurs can make you emails, but are blind to leaving a lot of money on the table. As professionals, we know how to create more profit at every point of email and SMS.

Our hope with the audit is you’ll love the insights so much that you’ll beg us to make the improvements for you. You’ll see the gaps and opportunities that we can solve for you, so you can focus on growing your business.

So, if you want to take your messenger marketing game to the next level, our audit is the perfect place to start.

Thanks to our audit and full services, you get to…

Extract Maximum Sales From Email and SMS

But not if you sit around doing nothing.
You are one of two people at the moment. Both types of people know email is gold.
One type of person wants a better store, but tries to do everything themselves. They pay their dues, taking two steps forward for one step back. They are nervous at moving forward. They value other things over growth and profit.
The second type of person takes action. You have a gut feeling when something needs to change. You have a record of making things happen. You engage with others to reach goals because you know you’ll get there faster with the right people by your side.
Do you like to make things happen? I love people like you because we’re similar. We produce results. If this is you, take the next step.

What to Do Next:

Apply to work with us today for an audit. Our strategies are devastatingly effective—they are guaranteed to boost sales, reduce customer support, and increase store engagement. It works because the right message is delivered at the right time.

Time and effectiveness are your two most important factors in ecommerce. Each day you fail to do email and SMS marketing the right way, you miss sales and flush money down the toilet.

People in life can have either money or excuses. That’s it. You have two options. You can get in contact now to make money. Or you can come up with some excuse why you can’t afford it or why you can’t do it now. The exact excuse doesn’t matter. You need to decide whether you want money or excuses. I know what smart, committed business owners choose.

Apply to work with us today to continue the discussion on working together. Click “Apply Now” below:

One Automated Email Flow Generates Over $10k in Sales Each Month
We’re an established Australian fashion label who is working with Digital Darts on getting more visitors and sales via AdWords, Facebook ads, email marketing, and retargetting.
I’m ecstatic that we get to work together and always appreciate help and expertise on all of this stuff – Josh makes it sound so easy and gives us time to focus on other aspects of the business, knowing we are in very capable hands.
One automated email flow generates over $10k in sales each month. There are other campaigns too that get customers coming back. The emails are beautifully designed and get sales without us having to create anything new.
Your time is money and so is doing things wrong. I can’t recommend Digital Darts enough if you’re established store and want to take increase your sales without the hassle of doing it all yourself. Josh and Digital Darts guidance is an invaluable resource to our business and will be moving forward as we continue to grow.
Tess Corvaia


Click to view answers to frequently asked questions about our email marketing services:

Have a Question?

Have a discussion with Lawrence on our team. Ask him any burning question that’s on your mind. Apply today with your contact details .

Ready To Start?

Book your call today and let us help you spark your email marketing with excellence!

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